Pueblo, Colorado…..

Home of Heroes

Why Pueblo?

Pueblo, CO is the hometown of four Congressional Medal of Honor recipients – William J. Crawford – Army – WWII; Carl L. Sitter -Marines – Korea; Raymond G. “Jerry” Murphy- Marines- Korea;  and Drew D. Dix- Army -Vietnam . The Medal of Honor is the highest military award that can be bestowed upon a member of the United States Armed Forces.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower upon presenting Raymond G. “Jerry” Murphy with his Medal in 1953 commented, “What is it…something in the water out there in Pueblo? All you guys turn out to be heroes!” In 1993 Colorado Representative Scott McInnis had read into the Congressional Record information about Pueblo and it’s recipients of the Medal of Honor. He cited at that time that it was the only city to have this record of four living recipients from the same hometown.  Following that declaration in the Congressional Record, the Pueblo City Council adopted the “Home of Heroes” theme.

Since then, Pueblo has continued to show it’s increased pride in military. It hosted the Congressional Medal of Honor National Convention in September of 2000 and unveiled four sculptures to Crawford, Sitter, Murphy and Dix as well as listing on granite plates the names of ALL Medal of Honor Recipients since Civil War times when the award was first created.

Medal of Honor Information Center

Pueblo Home of Heroes Association unveils new display inside the Pueblo Convention Center

The goal of this new Medal of Honor Information Center in the Grand Hall of the Pueblo Convention Center is to provide an interactive and patriotic educational tool that is fun to use. This was accomplished by using the Medal of Honor and its recipients, especially Pueblo’s four heroes, whose uniform jackets are part of the display, as examples of self-sacrifice, duty, honor and going above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of one’s life in defense of our country.

The major things you can select and learn about on the 7’x12’ video screen are:

  • Details and videos about each of Pueblo four recipient’s and the heroic action for which they received the Medal of Honor
  • A listing of, and information about, all the over 3500 Medal of Honor recipients
  • The history of the Medal of Honor
  • The story of the creation of the four Pueblo MOH Memorial statues
  • The Veteran’s Bridge and all the names and their location on the bridge and in many cases biography’s and photos
  • Why Pueblo is called Home of Heroes
  • Information on almost 30 attractions you can see in Pueblo County


Pueblo Medal of Honor Memorial at Pueblo Convention Center

Heroes Plaza


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